Tuesday, April 16, 2024


Not actual housekeeping. Heck no. That would involve pledge and dusters and the dyson, and too many flights of stairs.

I’m not saying I shouldn’t tidy up, but I came to sit at my desk to start cleaning it, in order to move it closer to the radiator to keep my toes warm when at sewing machine or computer, and just shifted the teetering heap to one side, put warm socks on instead and fired up the iMac. ( I refer you to http://20px.com/blog/2013/09/06/a-field-guide-to-procrastinators and invite you to guess which sort )

So, this is virtual housekeeping ( except I already logged into wow, did my auctions, collected my resources and did my garrison missions. FarmVille with orcs.  So not that sort of virtual ), in which i get rid of a load of old wordpress plugins & pages that I dont want, delete a pile of themes i installed on a whim, revert back to one I actually like because its fluid ( and try updating my social stream plugin – which is only co-operating for twitter at the moment,which is super annoying… that means I have to read documentation!



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Short British introvert with a love of books, gadgets, crochet and malformed haiku. There is no post schedule and my blog titles are all personal in jokes.